When to decide to leave Blue Water Sailing?
Navigate on the high seas, explore the ocean, adventure to new destinations... Go to Blue Water Sailing sailing is a decision that deserves courage, reflection, and takes place at the right time. We interviewed some browsers who made this choice. In...
« Rather give up than sail around the world with my teens ». Really?
To lock up with our teens in a sailboat, which does at best a few tens of square meters, would be the last thing to do if we listen « pontoon radio ». Laurent Marion, founder of the training centre specializing in Blue Water Sailing, Escale...
Registration opens for Annapolis seminar
As we open registration for the second edition of our Blue Water Sailing seminar in the United States, you may be celebrating what major life changes are involved in sailing around the world. Where do you start? What are the main steps and, above all, is it really...