Navigate on the high seas, explore the ocean, adventure to new destinations... Go to Blue Water Sailing is a decision that deserves courage, reflection, and takes place at the right time. We interviewed some browsers who made this choice.
In this article, we present you the key steps and different reasons that helped them jump. If you wish to do the same, join us at our Seminar Blue Water Sailing in Paris1 and 2 February.
The right time to get out
Every day, enthusiasts embark on a great sailing project. Some decide to leave for a sailing tour of the world, for the crossing of the Mediterranean, for a transatlantic or transpacific. Others leave the port for a sailing trip to the cold waters of the Arctic or with the aim of using the Panama Canal.
They are alone, as a couple, as family or as friends. They often dream of it since childhood, having been rocked by the adventures of great navigators such as Éric Tabarly or Bernard Moitessier. Their travel desires were born from stories and stories, also from families who sailed on a sailboat. The dream convinced them to imagine, prepare and then realize their own project.
For others, the decision to leave everything was made more quickly: in a more impulsive way, sometimes with travellers seeking discovery and freedom.
But is there really a good time to start such an adventure? In our view, there are so many reasons to leave the country. Blue Water Sailing to the veil that there are stories.
Leave to experiment and discover elsewhere
In some cases, the click of the browsers occurs at the end of the studies, before the beginning of the working life. For others, sailing is a period of transition between two experiences, or is lived in parallel with working life. Many decisions to leave Blue Water Sailing are also taken at other milestones, such as when starting a family, when selling a business, when children grow up...
For a specified period or without time limit, leave in Blue Water Sailing boating is a real change of life: it is an opportunity to reinvent your daily life, to give yourself the means to live fully. And what better way to live intensely than by being rocked by the elements?
Driven by a thirst for discovery, most crews want to explore the world in their own way, according to their desires, and especially at their own pace. To cross the Mediterranean, to head north, to cross the Atlantic or the Pacific Ocean... destinations vary according to the projects.
« I went on a sailing trip to be close to the elements: the sea, the wind, the sun. I wanted to meet the marine animals, discover unknown places and their populations. I wanted to live with discoveries! »
Juliette – A two-year sailing crew in the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean.

A new start, breaking with the life before
Sailing as a way to refocus
Driven by a thirst for discovery, most crews want to explore the world in their own way, according to their desires, and especially at their own pace. To cross the Mediterranean, to head north, to cross the Atlantic or the Pacific Ocean... destinations vary according to the projects.
« The real journey is not to look for new landscapes, but a new look » Marcel Proust said.
And it was in this idea that David chose to go on a sailing trip in order to free himself from a way of life that no longer corresponded to him:
« I no longer enjoyed my life on the ground: I had no time for myself, no time for my wife, no time for our child. I didn't live the life I wanted to live, I survived. I decided to go on a sailing trip, to move where I feel good. »
The happy navigator finally found his happiness, and laid his anchor in French Polynesia.
With almost three years to discover the Mediterranean Sea, Bertrand also had the opportunity to change course, to experience this quest for meaning and renewal.
He explains: « Sometimes you have to get away to get better. For me, shipping in the Mediterranean was a way to take a step back, to take stock of what really matters. I didn't know until I got on board, but one thing is for sure: I really needed it. ».
He didn't plan it, but Bertrand took advantage of the adventure he had lived to reconnect with the essentials and regain a more aligned life. Young people, parents or retired couple... many are the navigators to take the sea for this purpose!
The Blue Water Sailing, to live more aligned with the environment
Many also find themselves sailing around the world as a result of « I'm going to go to hell. » :
With no sense in the life they lead on the ground, they want to move away from a standardised life, where the relation to consumption seems unbalanced. If they want to travel, they are determined to do so with the lowest possible impact, taking the time and enjoying each moment. The sailors then find, with the sailing trip, a minimalist lifestyle, closer to nature and elements.
Say goodbye to the way of life « classic » But it does not mean cutting off from the world: by choosing, for example, the sailing trip in rally, crews have the opportunity to share their adventures with other passionate navigators!

The question of financial and time constraints is:
Many think that it is necessary to leave everything, at the professional level, in order to offer the luxury of leaving in Blue Water Sailing around the world. But sometimes a sabbatical year or leave without pay, for example, allows a project to be carried out. Remote work, too, can be considered.
David explains: « My project was inaccessible, until my employer indicated that he would not need me for 5 months. It was the trigger that decided to sail: between November and March, it was the perfect season to cross the Atlantic! » .
The Blue Water Sailing a family adventure with many benefits
For families, the choice of sailing trip is also motivated by the desire to offer a unique experience. By inviting parents and children to « living differently », the Blue Water Sailing often builds strong family ties, while creating memorable memories.
All browsers in Blue Water Sailing recognize the interest of children in participating in such a trip. Two parents explained: « We left with our three children when they were 3, 5 and 9. It was the best way to teach them life! We never regretted our choice. For us, navigation is the best of schools: it teaches patience, perseverance, responsibility and humility. The journey cultivates curiosity and openness ».
Environment, history, geography, adaptability or decision-making... The sea is an alternative school where children have a lot to learn. And for those who would be apprehensive, know that there are serious solutions to follow the classical education of kindergarten, primary school, college or high school!
Also read: « Rather give up than sail around the world with my teens ». Really?

Other key moments: the departure of children and retirement
Some enthusiasts prefer to wait until the children leave the family home or when they retire. For these browsers, leave in Blue Water Sailing is often a dream that has long been set aside.
« I've had a fast pace of work for most of my career. Also, when we retired, we saw this trip as the opportunity to write a new chapter. More time to waste: we have promised ourselves, now, to enjoy every moment. We followed several Training to prepare ourselves and, when we were finished ready, we took the start! ».
Alain and Dominique, currently on their catamaran in the Antillean arch.
After so many years of effort, sacrifice and responsibility, one imagines that success in sailing adventure represented, for the couple, some form of success. And what a pleasure to receive family and friends, on board, on stopover...
The Blue Water Sailing, to turn failure into opportunity
For some crews, it is an emotional shock, or the failure of a personal or professional project that pushes to take off. The voyage at sea is then an opportunity to turn a difficult period into a beneficial experience, most often quite far from what the navigators might have imagined.
Travellers often take advantage of the experience to change their perspective, find the resources to trust each other again, and eventually mobilize their energy for this new project.
« In our case, we would have liked to cut our garden in half, to sell our house and build a new one on the detached land. To do this, we needed to buy part of the neighbouring land. The owner of these about 2 square meters having refused, we decided to sell everything, to buy a boat ».
Camille, who sailed around the Atlantic for two years.

Leave in Blue Water Sailing, to experience an incomparable experience
No matter what spark caused them to take off, all these travelers have one thing in common: they have embarked on an adventure of Blue Water Sailing to make their dreams a reality. And they never regretted it: they all claim that experience has profoundly transformed them.
What if now it's your turn?
Like them, you deserve to live your incredible sailing adventure. And you will see: everything will be possible, for you too, as soon as you decide to devote yourself fully to your project.
So, what if you join us at our next one?Seminar Blue Water Sailing in Paris, to be accompanied in your project?